Prediction models trained with GTEx V8 data using the cross tissue imputation approach (see UTMOST paper). Trained by Alvaro Barbeira for the paper Fine‐mapping and QTL tissue‐sharing information improves the reliability of causal gene identification

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For attribution, please cite this work as

PredictDB team - uploaded by Yanyu Liang (2020). GTEx V8 Cross Tissue Imputation (UTMOST) Prediction Models. PredictDB. /post/2020/09/10/gtex-v8-cross-tissue-imputation-utmost-prediction-models/

BibTeX citation

  title = "GTEx V8 Cross Tissue Imputation (UTMOST) Prediction Models",
  author = "PredictDB team - uploaded by Yanyu Liang",
  year = "2020",
  journal = "PredictDB",
  note = "/post/2020/09/10/gtex-v8-cross-tissue-imputation-utmost-prediction-models/"