For elastic net models, they can be found in the extra table in each sqlite db. The mashr-based models which use fine-mapping for variable selection, the performance measures are not available. You can use the elastic net performance as a proxy.
For elastic net models, they can be found in the extra table in each sqlite db. The mashr-based models which use fine-mapping for variable selection, the performance measures are not available. You can use the elastic net performance as a proxy.
For attribution, please cite this work as
PredictDB Team (2021). Q: Are performance measures of prediction available?. PredictDB. /post/2021/07/21/q-are-performance-measures-of-prediction-available/
BibTeX citation
title = "Q: Are performance measures of prediction available?",
author = "PredictDB Team",
year = "2021",
journal = "PredictDB",
note = "/post/2021/07/21/q-are-performance-measures-of-prediction-available/"